
March 19, 2015

Historical education

When he died, Cecil John Rhodes left some of his enormous wealth to found a prestigious scholarship. Part of his sprawling estate was given over to […]
December 24, 2014


I can’t believe 2014 is over. What a year! I’m sure you do something similar, at the end of every year, I like to take stock […]
November 10, 2014

The tweet

Senzo Meyiwa was laid to rest a week ago, but the hubbub around my question about his funeral refuses to die down. “Who paid for this […]
November 3, 2014

On the wrath of Black Twitter and being called a racist:

I grew up mostly in post-apartheid South Africa. I learnt our history both inside the school system and because I love history more than almost anything […]
August 22, 2014

Old things

In the 1980s and even the early 1990s, the music record business was a goldmine. Turnover was sky-high and despite excess at all levels, many (even […]
July 15, 2014

Ten weeks in….

A lot of people know we’ve started something new. Not everyone has  figured out exactly what it is, where it is, or how it’s going. Here’s […]
June 24, 2014

End of Month 2: An update. continues to evolve, growing and adding new and exciting things to the future of broadcast and online media. July brings with it a few changes: 1. […]
June 24, 2014

Zwelinzima Vavi

Adriaan Groenewald is interested in leadership in a way that we all should be. While I was his guest on today, he told me about […]